The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby lynnmccorry » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:17 am

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your prayers mean the world to me.

I have just posted an update on my FB page so will copy and paste it below for those of you who are not FB friends with me. I'd like to keep you all updated. Love and hugs to each and every one of you.
x x x Lynn


Apologies to all those who have written messages and I haven't replied yet. Have only just woken up. First sleep I've had in 2 days.

OK, mums blood pressure has risen slightly but she is still in the critical room of the trauma unit with a nurse with her 24/7. The rise in her blood pressure is a good thing.

Now for the not so good things.

They thought her neck and back were broken.

Her neck is not broken.

Her back is broken in 2 places. They don't know how they are going to handle this yet. A complete brace could be one option. However mum has 2 legs that don't work properly (thus the knee replacement operation she was going to have) and a broken hand and her other arm was damaged years ago so she doesn't really have full use of that arm. A brace would make her totally immobile.

Operation - there are bad things about having an operation at her age plus with her other injuries.

Mums broken arm - they might be operating on that. Again, not quite sure ... they haven't made a decision as to what will be best for her, as yet.

So basically we won't know maybe till tomorrow what they will do ... operation on back or brace etc. That's all I know.

Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I am going to turn the house phone off for a few hours. I'm a wreck. I guess I just need to lie here and take it all in. Brian's bruising is showing up quite a lot on his stomach. He has a doctors appointment tomorrow. The shock etc. has really set in with Brian. We knew mum was bad but didn't know till yesterday that her back could be broken and now we know it is.

God bless you all. Will updated more as I know more. I hope all this sounds OK. I'm so tired still and not thinking very straight. Love to you all. x x x
Lynn and Lily
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Sina Whipp
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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby Sina Whipp » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:30 am

Thank you for taking the time out of your stressful day to update us on how your mom is doing. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you journey through this most difficult time. Big hugs!

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby Yasmeen » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:54 am

Lynn, please don't apologise for not having replied to us... I am sure that no one expects you to spend time doing that. Thank you so much for the update, we are all praying and will continue to do so. For your Mum, Brian and for you. You have got to take time and rest too and vent if need be.

One has to leave it upto the doctors to know what is best and do the needful. God willing there will be good news soon.

God Bless and keep you all.

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Kerry Haine
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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby Kerry Haine » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:21 pm

My thoughts and prayers are for you all, may God bless you .....hugs

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby tx2001aggie » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:31 pm

lynnmccorry wrote:Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your prayers mean the world to me.

Lynn! I'm so saddened to hear about this, especially after recently having a friend who was in a horrific accident. I am sending loving prayers up to Jesus for you, your mom, your extended family and all the staff working around her! May His healing presence surround you all. xoxo
~Stephanie (tx2001aggie) & Freddie Feelgood~

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby Jeanetta » Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:31 pm

lynnmccorry wrote:Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your prayers mean the world to me.

I have just posted an update on my FB page so will copy and paste it below for those of you who are not FB friends with me. I'd like to keep you all updated. Love and hugs to each and every one of you.
x x x Lynn


Apologies to all those who have written messages and I haven't replied yet. Have only just woken up. First sleep I've had in 2 days.

OK, mums blood pressure has risen slightly but she is still in the critical room of the trauma unit with a nurse with her 24/7. The rise in her blood pressure is a good thing.

Now for the not so good things.

They thought her neck and back were broken.

Her neck is not broken.

Her back is broken in 2 places. They don't know how they are going to handle this yet. A complete brace could be one option. However mum has 2 legs that don't work properly (thus the knee replacement operation she was going to have) and a broken hand and her other arm was damaged years ago so she doesn't really have full use of that arm. A brace would make her totally immobile.

Operation - there are bad things about having an operation at her age plus with her other injuries.

Mums broken arm - they might be operating on that. Again, not quite sure ... they haven't made a decision as to what will be best for her, as yet.

So basically we won't know maybe till tomorrow what they will do ... operation on back or brace etc. That's all I know.

Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I am going to turn the house phone off for a few hours. I'm a wreck. I guess I just need to lie here and take it all in. Brian's bruising is showing up quite a lot on his stomach. He has a doctors appointment tomorrow. The shock etc. has really set in with Brian. We knew mum was bad but didn't know till yesterday that her back could be broken and now we know it is.

God bless you all. Will updated more as I know more. I hope all this sounds OK. I'm so tired still and not thinking very straight. Love to you all. x x x

continuing to keep her and you and the rest of her family in my prayers , my God can handle this all !!!!! ... sending love and hugs to you and yours

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby Susietuesday » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:09 pm

Sending you all my very best wishes and I hope your Mum will be ok x

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby angelaktang » Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:28 am

lynnmccorry wrote:Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your prayers mean the world to me.

I have just posted an update on my FB page so will copy and paste it below for those of you who are not FB friends with me. I'd like to keep you all updated. Love and hugs to each and every one of you.
x x x Lynn


Apologies to all those who have written messages and I haven't replied yet. Have only just woken up. First sleep I've had in 2 days.

OK, mums blood pressure has risen slightly but she is still in the critical room of the trauma unit with a nurse with her 24/7. The rise in her blood pressure is a good thing.

Now for the not so good things.

They thought her neck and back were broken.

Her neck is not broken.

Her back is broken in 2 places. They don't know how they are going to handle this yet. A complete brace could be one option. However mum has 2 legs that don't work properly (thus the knee replacement operation she was going to have) and a broken hand and her other arm was damaged years ago so she doesn't really have full use of that arm. A brace would make her totally immobile.

Operation - there are bad things about having an operation at her age plus with her other injuries.

Mums broken arm - they might be operating on that. Again, not quite sure ... they haven't made a decision as to what will be best for her, as yet.

So basically we won't know maybe till tomorrow what they will do ... operation on back or brace etc. That's all I know.

Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I am going to turn the house phone off for a few hours. I'm a wreck. I guess I just need to lie here and take it all in. Brian's bruising is showing up quite a lot on his stomach. He has a doctors appointment tomorrow. The shock etc. has really set in with Brian. We knew mum was bad but didn't know till yesterday that her back could be broken and now we know it is.

God bless you all. Will updated more as I know more. I hope all this sounds OK. I'm so tired still and not thinking very straight. Love to you all. x x x

A big hug for you and continue to send positive thoughts your way. Take care of yourself, Lynn. *HUGZ*

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby Yasmeen » Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:45 am

Continued prayers and good wishes coming your way. Hugs, hang in there and let the doctors do what they are best at. Prayers being sent for the whole family.

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Re: The Pets 'n' Friends Prayer Room

Postby lynnmccorry » Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:41 pm

Thank you all again, for your prayers and thoughts. I'll paste the latest 2 updates below.
God bless you all. With love xxx

Just heard that mum will be in a back brace for at least 3 months. Thank God they are not operating on her back. No more information yet but will let you know as soon as I know. Sorry I haven't replied to things, I'm so tired. Just basically trying to sleep as much as I can. Love and hugs (and thank you for your prayers) x x x


Hi everyone, I'm getting so many messages and calls that I thought it best to write another update. Mum's temperature has gone up and they *think* she may have pneumonia. They have done tests and x-rays and we are waiting for the outcome. Please note that she may not have it, we are just not sure yet. She is still in the Trauma Unit and being monitored.
Thank you so much for your posts, prayers, messages and calls. I'm so sorry I can't get to everyone.
At this very moment we are waiting for a doctor to come out and see Brian. He has some chest and stomach pain. It's probably nothing but it's worth getting seen to by the doctor just in case. Shock has definitely set in with Brian. He's just sitting quietly by himself and isn't speaking much at all. We managed to spend the whole day sleeping which is something we really needed.
Thank you all for everything. Much love to you my family and friends. x x x
Dr has been. Brian seems to be ok. Dr doesn't think there's any bad damage but thinks Brian is in shock. nothing more to be done for him right now. It's just good to know that there doesn't seem to be internal damage. probably just residual pain from the crash kwim? Said to keep an eye on him and see how things go. xxx
Lynn and Lily
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