Hello, I'm Debbie :)

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Hello, I'm Debbie :)

Postby Debz » Sat May 09, 2015 7:39 pm

Welcome to Pets n Friends! My name is Debbie and i hail from bonny Scotland. I live in a little town around half way between Dundee and Aberdeen on the North East coast, there's some amazing scenery around here and although the weather is very changeable there's always beauty to be found. I moved a round a lot as a child and spent time living in England, Scotland and Germany. I love to travel, enjoying holidays abroad as often as i can, where i can explore other cultures and places.

I live with my hubby and 2 grown up kids (who don't look like they are moving out any time soon, although please don't tell them that i don't really mind!). We share our home with a very lovable old furbaby, Casper our beautiful white cat, she's 18 in human years this year but we've been told that's 89 cat years!!

I work full time creating digital e-learning packages for an oil and gas related safety company. It allows me to let leash my creative side finding new ways to present information to encourage adult learning in a variety of subjects from gas testing to process safety! I learn a lot about the industry in the process which is lucky as i have a love of learning and studied hard as a mature student to finally obtain a degree at a ripe (young) age!!

Having such a grown up job means that i like to unleash my creativity and fun by playing games and the game that needs no name was a fabulous way to do that. Pets n Friends is my new outlet and allows me to bring the infamous Puddle the penguin out of the cobwebs and back to the light! Puddle is the lovable manic alter ego i guess to the grown up responsible me! Some of you may remember him and his BFF's exploits in Jay and Puddles cocktail bar where fun, laughter and friendship was the order of the day!

It was through Puddle that i met my soul sister Tine who's friendship i treasure. We try and visit with each other as much as possible so there's a good chance i could be moderating from Scotland or Norway depending on who's visiting who!!!

I also enjoy reading, music and movies. Singing is great fun (for me but probably not you if your listening!!!) i love to let loose on long car journeys which includes my long commute to and from work!

I have never been a moderator before but i'm hoping that with patience and a joint love of playing I can help you with any problems. Please don't hesitate to get in touch and i promise to do my best :)

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