The Rules

Moderators: Ane M, joli3ma3, lisa, tx2001aggie, Jeanetta

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The Rules

Postby lisa » Fri May 22, 2015 6:07 am

1. You must be 13 years old or over to use this forum, and you must not be a rival developer or an employee of a rival developer.

2. Spam is not allowed, and anyone who joins this forum solely to spam it will be banned without warning. Members in good standing may post links to their businesses or other activities in the off-topic area of the forum, provided that such posting is not excessive and does not contravene any of the other rules. If you really want to advertise your business everywhere you go on the forum, you may put the link in your signature.

3. This is a family-friendly forum. If you would be uncomfortable with a 13-year-old child seeing it, please don't post it.

4. Please don't post anything disparaging or insulting against any individual or group. Anything which may be actionable will be immediately removed, and you will be warned. Discussion and debate are encouraged, but don't get personal about it. As you were probably told when you were a child... if you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything. ;)

5. People are free to express their positive beliefs about anything through PnF. What would concern us would be people using PnF to be against almost anything (other than, say, cancer), because it is one thing to be positively in favour of a good thing and another to be against everyone who disagrees with you just because they disagree with you. So Christians, Jews, Muslims and whoever else are all welcome to say positive things about their beliefs through PnF, as are atheists (and atheism is a religious belief, though many may not realise this). Denigrating Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheists or anyone else is not a good thing. In short: to be positive about what one believes is good, and to be negative about what others believe is abuse. ** For more on this here

6. Please stick to the topic on each board as far as possible. We do understand that conversations sometimes drift off of their own accord, and that's fair enough, but if you start a thread on a board where it is not relevant, we reserve the right to move it to a more suitable board.

7. If you need to report a bug, please check Alias Al's instructions carefully before doing so. This will help him and any other members of the development team to help you.

8. If you have any problem with another member of the forum, please try to resolve it privately with them first. Only if this fails should you seek the advice of a moderator. A specific exception to this rule is made for minors who are suffering harassment, bullying, or other unwanted attention from an adult or from a group of people. If you are in this situation, please tell a parent or guardian immediately and also tell one of the moderators.

If anything is not clear, please feel free to ask. :)

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