♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Prizes Delivered ♥ ♥

Moderators: Ane M, joli3ma3, lisa, tx2001aggie, Jeanetta

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♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Prizes Delivered ♥ ♥

Postby Iben » Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:51 am


Welcome to Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle :)


♥ There are 400 tickets

♥ Feed and send all entries to Aye-Ayestropher

♥ You can buy as many tickets for yourself or your friends as you wish

♥ Don't post links, we will find you if you or your friends win :) But do post proof :)

♥ Raffle ends when all 400 tickets are sold at which time we will do the draw :)

♥ There is a 25 % chance of winning :)

♥ Prizes are worth over 14,000 GMs today, we will bring in a little more than half of that when all tickets are sold :)
We will then use the currency to buy new prizes for future raffles as always LOL :mrgreen:

♥ Good luck :)

Entry Fees:

20 GMs = 1 ticket
2500 SMs = 1 ticket
10000 FnC = 3 tickets
4 PPs = 3 tickets

I realize there are differences in the entry fee values,
that's simply because I want it to be cheapest to pay with GMs :)

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Postby Iben » Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:59 pm


1. Winning ticket: 371. Tess M - Gift from Jen F

2. Winning ticket: 150. Deborah - Gift from Melissa

3. Winning ticket: 112. Kathy

4. Winning ticket: 37. An C - Gift from Kathy

5. Winning ticket: 22. Diane N

6. Winning ticket: 104. Jenny J - Gift from Ane

7. Winning ticket: 96. Melissa

8. Winning ticket: 97. Melissa

9. Winning ticket: 248. Kathy D - Gift from Melissa

10. Winning ticket: 126. Jolie

11. Winning ticket: 67. Kirsten - Gift from Deborah

12. Winning ticket: 29. Ane - Gift from Jenny

13. Winning ticket: 63. Jen F - Gift from Rhonda N

14. Winning ticket: 41. Christine K I - Gift from Rhonda N

15. Winning ticket: 28. Rhonda - Gift from Jenny

16. Winning ticket: 2. Kathy

17. Winning ticket: 183. Diane N

18. Winning ticket: 48. Chris

19. Winning ticket: 301. Rhonda - Gift from Ane M

20. Winning ticket: 289. Kirsten

21. Winning ticket: 309. Deborah - Gift from Jenny J

22. Winning ticket: 90. Diane N - Gift from Kathy

23. Winning ticket: 71. Jenny J

24. Winning ticket: 10. Kathy - Gift from Heather

25. Winning ticket: 329. Nükhet

26. Winning ticket: 51. Jenny

27. Winning ticket: 205. Chris

28. Winning ticket: 211. Christine K - Gift from Deborah

29. Winning ticket: 113. Rhonda - Gift from Jeanetta

30. Winning ticket: 116. Deb M - Gift from Ane

31. Winning ticket: 188. Kathy - Gift from Yasmeen

32. Winning ticket: 157. Tiarra

33. Winning ticket: 390. Sheila J - Gift from Diane N

34. Winning ticket: 143. Heather

35. Winning ticket: 42. Jeanetta - Gift from Rhonda N

36. Winning ticket: 79. Yasmeen - Gift from Rhonda N

37. Winning ticket: 263. Deborah

38. Winning ticket: 302. Ane M

39. Winning ticket: 379. Nükhet

40. Winning ticket: 245. Ane - Gift from Sue C

41. Winning ticket: 12. Deborah

42. Winning ticket: 180. Jenny

43. Winning ticket: 259. Kirsten

44. Winning ticket: 264. Jenny - Gift from Deborah

45. Winning ticket: 222. Kathy

46. Winning ticket: 311. Rhonda - Gift from Diane N

47. Winning ticket: 298. Melissa - Gift from Christine K I

48. Winning ticket: 244. Jenny J - Gift from Sue C

49. Winning ticket: 61. Diane N - Gift from Rhonda N

50. Winning ticket: 204. Chris

51. Winning ticket: 240. Diane N

52. Winning ticket: 114. Sue C

53. Winning ticket: 303. Ane M

54. Winning ticket: 196. Yasmeen

55. Winning ticket: 277. Kirsten

56. Winning ticket: 103. Sue - Gift from Ane

57. Winning ticket: 1. Deborah

58. Winning ticket: 265. Rhonda N

59. Winning ticket: 198. Kathy D - Gift from Chris

60. Winning ticket: 274. Kathy

61. Winning ticket: 174. Rhonda

62. Winning ticket: 152. Kirsten - Gift from Rhonda N

63. Winning ticket: 202. Jenny Jarvis - Gift from Christine K I

64. Winning ticket: 292. Deborah - Gift from Kirsten

65. Winning ticket: 394. Rhonda

66. Winning ticket: 173. Deborah

67. Winning ticket: 317. Deborah

68. Winning ticket: 293. Diane - Gift from Kirsten

69. Winning ticket: 333. Jenn R - Gift from Rhonda N

70. Winning ticket: 256. Nükhet

71. Winning ticket: 354. Jenny J. - Gift from Deborah

72. Winning ticket: 86. Kirsten - Gift from Kathy

73. Winning ticket: 322. Kathy

74. Winning ticket: 168. Rhonda

75. Winning ticket: 4. Heather

76. Winning ticket: 40. Rhonda N - Gift from Kirsten

77. Winning ticket: 5. Rhonda

78. Winning ticket: 332. Melissa Laura - Gift from Rhonda N

79. Winning ticket: 52. Jenny

80. Winning ticket: 342. Yasmeen - Gift from Jenny J

81. Winning ticket: 399. Rhonda

82. Winning ticket: 313. Diane

83. Winning ticket: 296. Kathy - Gift from Kirsten

84. Winning ticket: 223. Nükhet

85. Winning ticket: 376. Barb - Gift from Deborah

86. Winning ticket: 225. Nükhet

87. Winning ticket: 362. Kathy D

88. Winning ticket: 23. Melissa

89. Winning ticket: 398. Diane N - Gift from Rhonda N

90. Winning ticket: 62. Sara F

91. Winning ticket: 93. Gail G - Gift from Kathy

92. Winning ticket: 388. Deborah - Gift from Diane N

93. Winning ticket: 56. Ane - Gift from Rhonda N

94. Winning ticket: 375. Jenny - Gift from Deborah

95. Winning ticket: 187. Trisha - Gift from Yasmeen

96. Winning ticket: 149. Deborah - Gift from Kirsten

97. Winning ticket: 20. Deborah

98. Winning ticket: 343. Ane - Gift from Jenny J

99. Winning ticket: 366. Ane - Gift from Deborah

100. Winning ticket: 194. Lisa - Gift from Diane N

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Postby Iben » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:14 pm

1. Deborah
2. Kathy
3. Deborah
4. Heather
5. Rhonda
6. Rhonda N
7. Deborah
8. Nükhet
9. Nükhet
10. Kathy - Gift from Heather
11. Rhonda
12. Deborah
13. Deborah
14. Barb - Gift from Diane N
15. Cindy M - Gift from Melissa
16. Deborah
17. Deborah
18. Melissa
19. Kathy
20. Deborah
21. Deborah
22. Diane N
23. Melissa
24. Christine K I
25. Deborah
26. Kirsten - Gift from Jenny
27. Kathy
28. Rhonda - Gift from Jenny
29. Ane - Gift from Jenny
30. Christine K I - Gift from Deborah
31. Deborah
32. Deborah - Gift from Jenny
33. Jenny
34. Melissa
35. Melissa
36. Deborah
37. An C - Gift from Kathy
38. Ane M - Gift from Kathy
39. Ane
40. Rhonda N - Gift from Kirsten
41. Christine K I - Gift from Rhonda N
42. Jeanetta - Gift from Rhonda N
43. Stephanie L Baker - Gift from Rhonda N
44. Bente - Gift from Kathy
45. Chris James - Gift from Kathy
46. Christine KI - Gift from Kathy
47. Kathy
48. Chris
49. Deborah - Gift from Chris
50. Jenny J - Gift from Chris
51. Jenny
52. Jenny
53. Nükhet
54. Nükhet
55. Nükhet
56. Ane - Gift from Rhonda N
57. Chris - Gift from Rhonda N
58. Jenny J
59. Christine K I - Gift from Rhonda N
60. Deborah - Gift from Rhonda N
61. Diane N - Gift from Rhonda N
62. Sara F
63. Jen F - Gift from Rhonda N
64. Jenny J - Gift from Rhonda N
65. Kathy - Gift from Rhonda N
66. Kirsten - Gift from Rhonda N
67. Kirsten - Gift from Deborah
68. Sue C - Gift from Deborah
69. Christine K I
70. Melissa - Gift from Rhonda N
71. Jenny J
72. Nükhet - Gift from Rhonda N
73. Sara F - Gift from Rhonda N
74. Melissa
75. Trisha
76. Trisha
77. Sue C - Gift from Rhonda N
78. Trisha - Gift from Rhonda N
79. Yasmeen - Gift from Rhonda N
80. Rhonda N
81. Rhonda N
82. Chris
83. Rhonda N
84. Rhonda N
85. Melissa - Gift from Kathy
86. Kirsten - Gift from Kathy
87. Tine - Gift from Kathy
88. Heather - Gift from Kathy
89. Lisa - Gift from Kathy
90. Diane N - Gift from Kathy
91. Barb B - Gift from Kathy
92. Barbara M - Gift from Kathy
93. Gail G - Gift from Kathy
94. Sara F - Gift from Kathy
95. Rhonda N
96. Melissa
97. Melissa
98. Kathy
99. Kathy
100. Melissa
101. Melissa - Gift from Deborah
102. Kirsten - Gift from Ane
103. Sue - Gift from Ane
104. Jenny J - Gift from Ane
105. Carina - Gift from Ane
106. Ane
107. Nükhet
108. Nükhet
109. Nükhet
110. Yasmeen
111. Yasmeen
112. Kathy
113. Rhonda - Gift from Jeanetta
114. Sue C
115. Kathy D - Gift from Diane N
116. Deb M - Gift from Ane
117. Jeanetta - Gift from Kathy
118. Jenn R - Gift from Kathy
119. Kathy D - Gift from Ane
120. Kathy D - Gift from Christine K I
121. Lynn McCorry - Gift from Kathy
122. Jenny J - Gift from Deborah
123. Eve  - Gift from Melissa
124. Kathy - Gift from Jeanetta
125. Deborah
126. Jolie
127. Kathy
128. Audrey - Gift from Diane N
129. Nukhet - Gift from Kathy
130. pammieb - Gift from Kathy
131. Patricia H - Gift from Kathy
132. Jenny
133. Jenny
134. Diane N
135. Rhonda N - Gift from Melissa
136. Deborah
137. Rhonda
138. Diane N
139. Deborah
140. Chris - Gift from Sara F
141. Lisa - Gift from Ane
142. Ane
143. Heather
144. Barb - Gift from Deborah
145. Jenn R - Gift from Melissa
146. Callie - Gift from Diane N
147. Deborah
148. Rhonda N
149. Deborah - Gift from Kirsten
150. Deborah - Gift from Melissa
151. Debbie R H - Gift from Heather
152. Kirsten - Gift from Rhonda N
153. Melissa - Gift from Rhonda N
154. Deborah
155. Rhonda
156. Rhonda
157. Tiarra
158. Heather
159. Karen Taylor - Gift from Diane N
160. Ailsa - Gift from Diane N
161. Jenny J - Gift from Kirsten
162. Rhonda
163. Kathy
164. Tine - Gift from Kirsten
165. Kathy
166. Melissa
167. Jenny  - Gift from Ane
168. Rhonda
169. Kathy - Gift from Kirsten
170. Christine K I
171. Jeanetta - Gift from Rhonda
172. Diane N
173. Deborah
174. Rhonda
175. Carina - Gift from Kirsten
176. Nükhet
177. Nükhet
178. Nükhet
179. Jenny
180. Jenny
181. Deborah - Gift from Jenny
182. Deborah - Gift from Jenny
183. Diane N
184. Melissa
185. Tess M - Gift from Jen F
186. Jenny J - Gift from Yasmeen
187. Trisha - Gift from Yasmeen
188. Kathy - Gift from Yasmeen
189. Sara F - Gift from Yasmeen
190. Nükhet - Gift from Yasmeen
191. Diane
192. Diane
193. Trisha
194. Lisa - Gift from Diane N
195. Deborah
196. Yasmeen
197. Deborah
198. Kathy D - Gift from Chris
199. Rhonda N - Gift from Chris
200. Sara F - Gift from Chris
201. Barb B - Gift from Christine K I
202. Jenny Jarvis - Gift from Christine K I
203. Rhonda Norman - Gift from Christine K I
204. Chris
205. Chris
206. Nükhet
207. Nükhet
208. Nükhet
209. Jenny J
210. Jolie
211. Christine K - Gift from Deborah
212. Jenny - Gift from Deborah
213. Deborah - Gift from Jenny J
214. Kathy
215. Deborah
216. Trisha
217. Melissa - Gift from Deborah
218. Tine - Gift from Heather
219. Kathy - Gift from Heather
220. Lyli Bee - Gift from Heather
221. Claire - Gift from Heather
222. Kathy
223. Nükhet
224. Nükhet
225. Nükhet
226. Heather
227. Kathy
228. Stephanie L Baker - Gift from Rhonda
229. Jenny J - Gift from Heather
230. Barbara M - Gift from Heather
231. Sara F - Gift from Heather
232. Popi - Gift from Kathy
233. Rhonda N - Gift from Deborah
234. Rhonda N - Gift from Kathy
235. Sandi Epp - Gift from Kathy
236. Sina - Gift from Kathy
237. Sue C - Gift from Kathy
238. Yasmeen - Gift from Kathy
239. Tiarra
240. Diane N
241. Yasmeen
242. Yasmeen
243. Melissa - Gift from Sue C
244. Jenny J - Gift from Sue C
245. Ane - Gift from Sue C
246. Deborah
247. Jenny
248. Kathy D - Gift from Melissa
249. Sue C - Gift from Melissa
250. Eve - Gift from Melissa
251. Deborah - Gift from Melissa
252. Melissa
253. Melissa
254. Deborah
255. Ane - Gift from Jenny J
256. Nükhet
257. Nükhet
258. Nükhet
259. Kirsten
260. Kirsten
261. Kirsten
262. Kirsten
263. Deborah
264. Jenny - Gift from Deborah
265. Rhonda N
266. Rhonda N
267. Rhonda N
268. Rhonda N
269. Heather - Gift from Kathy
270. Rhonda N - Gift from Kathy
271. Jolie
272. Carina - Gift from Kathy
273. Kirsten - Gift from Kathy
274. Kathy
275. Kathy
276. Kathy
277. Kirsten
278. Kirsten
279. Kirsten
280. Kirsten
281. Kirsten
282. Kirsten
283. Kirsten
284. Kirsten
285. Kirsten
286. Kirsten
287. Kirsten
288. Kirsten
289. Kirsten
290. Kirsten
291. Kirsten
292. Deborah - Gift from Kirsten
293. Diane - Gift from Kirsten
294. Rhonda - Gift from Kirsten
295. Ane - Gift from Kirsten
296. Kathy - Gift from Kirsten
297. Jenny - Gift from Kirsten
298. Melissa - Gift from Christine K I
299. Deborah  - Gift from Christine K I
300. Jenny J - Gift from Ane M
301. Rhonda - Gift from Ane M
302. Ane M
303. Ane M
304. Deborah
305. Kerry H - Gift from Rhonda
306. Chris
307. Deborah - Gift from Rhonda
308. Melissa Laura - Gift from Rhonda
309. Deborah - Gift from Jenny J
310. Heather
311. Rhonda N  - Gift from Diane N
312. Dana C - Gift from Diane N
313. Diane
314. Jen F - Gift from Tess
315. Barb B - Gift from Kathy
316. Pam Crease  - Gift from Kathy
317. Deborah
318. Christine I K - Gift from Rhonda
319. Jen F
320. Sue C - Gift from Rhonda
321. Tess M
322. Kathy
323. Carol
324. Aunt Peg - Gift from Carol
325. Diane N - Gift from Rhonda
326. Auqarius - Gift from Rhonda
327. Kathy
328. Kirsten - Gift from Rhonda
329. Nükhet
330. Nükhet
331. Nükhet
332. Melissa Laura - Gift from Rhonda N
333. Jenn R - Gift from Rhonda N
334. Rhonda
335. Rhonda
336. Kirsten - Gift from Jenny J
337. Deborah - Gift from Jenny J
338. Heather - Gift from Jenny J
339. Chris - Gift from Jenny J
340. Christine K I - Gift from Jenny J
341. Sue - Gift from Jenny J
342. Yasmeen - Gift from Jenny J
343. Ane - Gift from Jenny J
344. Jena F
345. Jeanetta
346. Stepanie L Baker - Gift from Rhonda N
347. Kerry H - Gift from Rhonda N
348. Rhonda
349. Kathy D - Gift from Rhonda
350. Jolie - Gift from Sue C
351. Rhonda
352. Heather
353. Belinda G - Gift from Deborah
354. Jenny J. - Gift from Deborah
355. Melissa L. - Gift from Deborah
356. Deborah
357. Deborah
358. Rhonda
359. Sue C
360. Aquarius
361. Deborah
362. Kathy D
363. Rhonda
364. Rhonda
365. Audrey - Gift from Deborah
366. Ane - Gift from Deborah
367. Bente - Gift from Ane
368. Carina - Gift from Ane
369. Sina  - Gift from Ane
370. Ane
371. Tess M - Gift from Jen F
372. Lisa - Gift from Jen F
373. Jen F
374. Kirsten - Gift from Diane N
375. Jenny - Gift from Deborah
376. Barb - Gift from Deborah
377. Deborah
378. Nükhet
379. Nükhet
380. Diane N
381. Kris B - Gift from Diane N
382. Barb B - Gift from Diane N
383. Callie - Gift from Diane N
384. Jenny Noto - Gift from Diane N
385. Patricia Hayes Clark - Gift from Diane N
386. Deborah
387. Deborah
388. Deborah - Gift from Diane N
389. Lee Gray - Gift from Diane N
390. Sheila J - Gift from Diane N
391. Belinda Gardner - Gift from Diane N
392. Jena F - Gift from Diane N
393. Diane N
394. Rhonda
395. Jolie
396. Rhonda
397. Jolie - Gift from Rhonda N
398. Diane N - Gift from Rhonda N
399. Rhonda
400. Rhonda N

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle - Open :) ♥ ♥

Postby Iben » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:29 pm

Raffle is OPEN :D Yay :D Good luck if you join :D

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Open :)

Postby Kirsten » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:40 pm

Nice raffle once again iben :D

You have given 20 Platinum Paw CURRENCY to this user.
Your gift receipt number is 177198950.

for 15 spots - pls numbers from 277 and forward for this :)

You have given 8 Platinum Paw CURRENCY to this user.
Your gift receipt number is 177199212.

For 6 spots - to: Debra, Jenny, Tine, Kathy, Caylin and Rhonda :)

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Open :)

Postby Iben » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:46 pm

Yay, thank you for starting, Kirsten :D :D Glad you like the raffle :mrgreen:

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Open :)

Postby careforyou2 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:52 pm

You have given 4 Platinum Paw CURRENCY to this user.
Your gift receipt number is 177200643.

two for me and one for Kristen please

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Open :)

Postby careforyou2 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:53 pm

You have given 2500 Silver Mole CURRENCY to this user.
Your gift receipt number is 177200820.
this one for Deb M

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Open :)

Postby javabunny » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:55 pm

You have given 40 Golden Mole CURRENCY to this user.
Your gift receipt number is 177200874.

one for me and one for tess morgan please

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Re: ♥ ♥ Aye-Ayestropher's First Raffle ♥ ♥ Open :)

Postby Iben » Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:13 am

Thank you ladies :) Aye-Ayestropher has chosen your numbers wisely :D

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