1. These are all different catogories. Pick 5 random pets from different catagories which you will ALWAYS use. Dont change the pets you pick. Stick to one of eachcatagory.

2. Lets say distance flying

3. Click on 'Solo Play'

4. This page is important. After you train/challenge the pets come back to this page. yes after each train OR challenge.

5. This is the result of your challenge/train. You get star coins which you can buy things with. Now the important step here is that you DONT click RANDOM. You need to click on the arrow to get back to the main page which I showed the step before. Ill show it again.

6. Now we are done challenge/training. Its advisable you train 10x then challenge 10x. This is when you first choose the pet. Now you will pick whihc pet to challenge/train. Always pick pets with highest stats. Please kindly see below

NEXT Explanation is for owning the champs.

WELCOME TO THE MAIN PAGE OF CHAMPS click on CHAMPS circled in yellow.

this is how your page will look likee once you OWN them

1. SO how do you own them. You follow the steps that were explained earlied. EXCEPT of train/challenging all 20 turns leave the last turn to challenge a pet. You have to look for the pet in all the pages. Here how the champs look like and you have to click challenge to challenge the champ: Do you see the black boarders around the champ. This process takes a very long time. First you need to get your pets stat up which takes two months. YOu do that by following the first steps. THEN you own this guy. THEN you start earning trophies of differnt sizes. GOOD LUCK