thank you for having this!
you know in the escrow shop. I keep on adding deleting items. can you PLS add boxes to tick so we remove few items at once. rather than remove each item at a time?
can the power pet bars plssssss stay the same? I barely can buy the current price..
for this month you put up full size and size 10 pets. I missed my chance for the purple hippo. can you at least put it for size 10s. I insist that you didnt keep purple hippo long enough but then again Im not sure..
ohhh we need to do sth about joy. its just driving me crazy. we want to know who giftted us.
can you raise the limit of food skill. Only 24 pets can give us foodies???? noooo plssss me want foodies from all my pets.
can we PLS feed more than once to each pet. at least 5 times???
can we pet twice. so double fnc

I love everything about pnf. thank you so much! It brings joy to my heart..what would I do with out pnf..wouldnt have made it believe me.
things I love:
most of the foodies
most of the pets too cute.
love love the decos.
I just love the scooters! cant get enough. I love that you earn them no need for gold silver mole or fnc. phew.
thank you for everything.